
A living faith is necessary for a moral standard and guide for the people. By their fruits ye shall know them. 19th century Mormonism had a lot of good fruits, the capstone being a thriving civilization in the Rocky Mountains, and those fruits continued through the 20th century.

But now the LDS institutional fruits are starting to be rotten, even to stalwart believers in the institution. Fortunately, like with Christianity, there is mustard seed of LDS who seek to preserve the old ways. I just happen to think there is a greater probability of Mormonism being resurrected than traditional Christianity.

The Dark Enlightenment is about rediscovering lost knowledge and social technologies by studying the past. Reading old books is vital, and to believing Mormons if you do that you'll find that the spring water tastes best closest to the fountain. The Journal of Discourses and 7 volume Documentary History of the Church are great places to start. This blog will be centered on rediscovering those lost teachings of early Mormonism, as well as commentary on the modern day situation and culture of the LDS Church and Mormon Fundamentalism, both studied through a reactionary lens.


  1. Hi! Want to talk about church doctrine aligning with feminism and fertility rates dropping? The church's lack of memetic sovereignty? BYU's embrace of progressivism? The Book of Mormon's case for kings? Moroni's bluepilled views? All with the assumption that the church is true, of course.

    1. All excellent topics. The core focus will be emphasizing traditional Mormonism, while noting the social decay that has resulted from departing from it.


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